Friday, June 26, 2015

The More You Know: Drug Testing

How your company is losing money by employing a drug abuser:

  • The medical costs of an employee that uses drugs is 300% higher which increases insurance rates –(US Chamber of Commerce)
  • Worker’s Comp claims are 5 times more likely to be filed by drug users – (US Dept of Labor)
  • Roughly 30% - 50% of all Workers Comp claims are related to drug abuse in the work place – (US Dept of Labor)
  • Drug Abuse/Addiction will likely cause an employee to only function at about 67% of his/her capacity – (National Institute on Drug Addiction)
  • On average a drug abusing employee is 3 times more likely to be tardy to their shift and have an absentee rate of 30-35 days per year – (US Dept of Labor)

Quick History

There were 2 main incidents that essentially began the “Drug Free Workplace Campaign”. The 1981 USS Nimitz crash and the 1987 Maryland train accident. Both resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, many injuries and many fatalities. After investigations of both incidents, it was found that drugs were a contributing factor in these deadly accidents, prompting new regulations for mandatory testing for federally regulated employers.

As the years went on, studies were conducted and found that drug abuse was an existing problem in the work place which prompted private employers to follow suit with the government in testing of their employees.

Cost played a huge factor in drug testing. Urine was easy to collect, transport, test, and cost efficient in drug detection at the time. Over the years though, many factors, including specimen alteration/dilution have come to steer testing in other directions.

What to Know Now

When considering drug testing for new employees, for cause, or post accident, here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Urine: Still the most cost efficient means of drug testing. Can detect most drugs up to 7 days prior. There are many ways that the specimen can be altered which may result in “un-true” results. Has ability to have instant results, but will still need to be reviewed by a certified lab.
  • Saliva: Great for “on the spot” testing such as pre-employment, post accident or for cause. Can be done right in front of person without invading privacy. Very difficult to alter results. May only detect drug/alcohol for the last 24 hours.
  • Hair: Will need to be collected by certified lab person(s). May detect presence of drug use from 7 days post use up to 90 days post use. Great for pre-employment. Not a good test for post accident or for cause. Most expensive form of drug testing. Almost impossible to alter specimen.

AAA Credit Screening Services offers drug testing services to better aid your company in achieving a Drug Free Workplace. Call our knowledgeable customer service staff now at 888-282-0447 to help determine the appropriate testing procedure for your company.

Friday, June 19, 2015

10 Commonly Asked Questions About Employment Screening

1. Why is there not a score on the credit report?

Employment Credit Reports contain consumer identifiers, address information, employment information, other names used, public record information, and credit history showing how financial obligations are handled. There is not a credit score because it is illegal for a credit score to be provided for employment purposes.

2. Why does it take up to 3 days for employment verifications?

Employment verifications are done by phone, fax, or email and does require a response from current/previous employer. We will attempt to make contact to obtain information for at least 3 business days.

3. Why does the applicant have to provide current/previous employment information?

Contrary to popular belief, there is not a unified data base that contains all employment records. We are only able to verify information that the applicant supplies.

4. Applicant has already disclosed that they have a criminal charge from many years ago, why did it not show on report?

All criminal reports furnished by AAA Credit Screening will only show guilty offenses that have occurred within the last seven (7) years.

5. What is the difference in criminal reports?

Countywide Criminal – Searches for misdemeanor or felonies in specific county courts
Statewide Criminal – Searches crimes committed in specific state.
Nationwide Criminal – Searches crimes committed by the applicant throughout the United States.
Federal Criminal – Searches records of crimes that were prosecuted in federal court such as tax evasion, fraud, and embezzlement, mail & wire fraud and more.

6. Can you verify salary?

Per company policy of applicant employer, salary information may or may not be released. Often salary information cannot be disclosed over the phone, but once a signed release has been submitted to applicant employer, they can release the salary information in writing.

7. What information do you need from applicant to verify?

To process any request we must have the applicant’s name, date of birth, current address, SSN, and signature. When we are verifying employment information, we need company name and phone number at the least. Any additional information can be useful.

8. What if employers use third party vendors such as The Work Number, UConfirm, or Verify Advantage to verify information?

Typically, there is an additional charge for employment verification services which use third party vendors. If the employer uses services similar to the ones mentioned, AAA Credit Screening will notify our client for approval of additional charges before processing the request.

9. Why should I verify employment?

It is becoming increasingly common for applicants to misrepresent current & previous employment. Our employment verification services offer peace of mind in a world of uncertainty.

10. What if an applicant is self-employed?

If an applicant is self-employed, we are able to verify this information by running an income check verification. This report comes from the Internal Revenue Service. There is a separate charge for this report, but allows our client to confirm self-employment.